oakleybegood it other stuff

yes be good

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


bible study



3rd Eye Awakening Exercise
Please read all of the following;
If you wish to perform this exercise you need to
understand what you will be doing.
It is important to follow the instructions
as this is very advanced:

The 3rd Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra;
the psychic chakra, located on the middle of the forehead
above the brows. It is closely associated
with the "pineal" gland.
The pineal gland id dormant in most people,
as is the true 3rd eye.

French Philosopher Rene Descartes
believed the pineal gland to be "the seat of the soul"
where mind and body met.

In the average person,
the pineal gland is atrophied and dormant.
The following exercise will change that.
Please read this thoroughly,
as much of the exercises I write of are very advanced
and can cause problems if one does not do them correctly.

The pineal gland is like a grape in size;
like a raisin in most people where it remains dormant.

Opening the Pineal Gland3rd eye:

This is done with a specific tone and chant.
You only need to do this exercise for 3 days,
afterwards, it is permanent.

The mantra to be used is "Thoh," pronounced "TOE."
It must be within the correct vibration.
Not deep, not high pitched,
inbetween, like alto range.
You will feel it when you hit the correct tone.

1. Sit with your back straight.

2. Breathe in through your nose and hold your breath
as long as is comfortable-
open your jaws so there is a small space
between your top and bottom teeth,
place the tip of your tongue between
the space of your slightly parted teeth.

3. Put a very light pressure onto the tongue
with your teeth.
This is like the same process of saying the "TH" part
of the English word "the."
Once your tongue is in position,
release your breath slowly through your mouth
saying T-H-H-O-H-H in one long exahle
(say the word one time per exhale)
Your tongue will be vibrating between your teeth.
You should feel the air moving past your tongue and teeth.
If this technique is done properly,
you will feel a pressure or sensation in your jaw
and cheeks. The tone will also vibrate in your 3rd eye.
It may take a few seconds to adjust this,
don't worry, just keep going.

4. Do the above 5 times in a row.

5. It is very important the above exercise
be done for 3 consecutive days, 24 hours apart.
Then it is a done deal.


1. One of the first experiences is a headache
or pressure in the center of the forehead.
This sensation may also feel
like it is originating from within,
usually an inch or more
beneath the surface of the forehead.
This is a positive indication the pineal gland
is awakening and beginning to function
in a healthy manner.
Some people can experience a migrane
lasting several hours.
The severity of the side effects
will depend on how atrophied your pineal gland is
to begin with.

2. After the occurence of headache or pressure
in the forehead, you may wake up one morning
with a throbbing or tingling sensation in your forehead;
it may feel like a goosebump.
The feeling may be very intense
like something is there.
The sensation of pulsing or throbbing
will continue throughout the day.
This is the final phsyological event
you will experience after opening up your 3rd eye.
It indicates your pineal gland is awankened,
functioning and alive.

Faster, easier learning and retention
Marked increase in intuition
Increased creativity
Psychic gifts develop and become remarkedly stronger
and more intense Ability to see human auras
Clairaudience (psychic hearing) opens up

This is a very powerful exercise
and as with all powerful practices,
your body will go through discomfort in order to adapt.

In order for this to work properly,
you must have already performed
the Awakening I exercise.

I included this above for those who are new.

It is very important to wait for 10-14 days
following awakening I,
before you go onto awakening II,

otherwise the exercises won't be effective
as your body needs time to adapt
and get the energy flow going.

This exercise is completely euphroic
and intensly pleasurable
. Unlike Awakening I, this should be done once a week
and given the blissful effects
that are lasting when done correctly,
most people will enjoy doing so.

Breath in deeply and hold your breath
for a count of 5, 3 times.
This helps you to be relaxed and focused.
Then focus all of your concentration upon your 3rd eye.
You should begin to feel a sensation
similar to the effects of the awakening I exercise-
a slight pressure or awareness
of the spot of your 3rd eye.

Now, take a deep breath
as you did for the awakening one exercise.
Hold it for as long as comfortable-
(do not push this) and release your breath
vibrating the word "MAY."
Pronounced like the English language word
for the month of May.
It should all come out one time- M-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ay.
Gradually and slowly.
AIt is ok to adjust your pitch.

Breath in again, repeat this 5 times.
The tone should be alto.
You need to hit a certain pitch.
You will know, for you will feel this in your head.
Do the best you can.

when vibrating the word "MAY,"
feel the energy going into your head,
first your 3rd eye area,
then into the middle of your brain
and then to the top of your head
where your crown chakra is located.

Remember to concentrate on your forehead (3rd eye area),
then the middle of your brain
and finally the top of your head.
This is done for the duration of each chant.

1. Breath in
2. Begin to exhale, vibrating "MAY"
3. Concentrate on your 3rd eye
4. Concentrate on the middle of your brain
5. Concentrate on the top of your head
and finish exhaling the vibration

Repeat 4 more times.

The effects of this exercise are extremely pleasurable
A feeling of lightnesss can occur immediately following,
some people may feel energy or tingling inside their heads,
or completely covering their heads;
a slight presure in the crown area and intense euphoria.
The bliss state can occur hours and even days later.
This will become permanent
and will greatly assist in void meditation,
clairvoyance and other psychic and paranormal powers.

Clear Quartz to open 3rd eye chakra

From: HealingHearts
Date: 3/30/2004

For those who have any clear quartz,
you can do an exercise with it
to open up your third eye chakra also.

You take a clear quartz
and place it upon your third eye (forehead)
and meditate on the energy of the clear quartz.

Because the clear quartz brings in clarity to the mind
and opens the third eye,
if you get any insight while holding the clear quartz
there, just concentrate on your insight.
You may get visions of past, present and future,
you may also get answers to various questions
that you have been mulling over lately.

I used this method and concentrated on the energy
that I felt with the clear quartz.
According to the information that I was told,
you are to do it for about 3 days
. I just laid there in bed at night
and did it for 3 nights.
It's real easy to do also.
The first night I got information with it.

One of my students did this during his reiki class,
and was shown a past life vision of a problem
that he was dealing with.
He only did it for about 10 mins.
and was shown what he needed
to release in order to move on in his life.
We were both amazed! :)

This page is made in Love & Light~

Genesis 32:30

"And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face."



The true function of this mysterious gland, has long been contemplated by philosophers and Spiritual Adepts. Ancient Greeks believed the pineal gland, to be our connection to the Realms of Thought. Descartes called it, the Seat of the Soul. This gland is activated by Light, and it controls the various biorhythms of the body.It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland, which directs the body's thirst,hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock, that determines our aging process.

When the pineal gland awakens, one feels a pressure at the base of the brain. This pressure will often be experienced, when connecting to higher frequency. A head injury, can also activate the Third Eye - Pineal Gland.

When activated, the pineal gland becomes the line of communication, with the higher planes. The crown chakra, reaches down, until its vortex touches the pineal gland. Prana, or pure energy, is received through this energy center in the head. With Practice, the vibration level of the astral body is raised, allowing it, to separate from the physical.

To activate the 'third eye' and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland and the pituitary body, must vibrate in unison, which is achieved through meditation and / or relaxation. When a correct relationship is established, between personality, operating through the pituitary body, and the soul, operating through the pineal gland, a magnetic field is created. The negative and positive forces, interact and become strong enough, to create the 'light in the head.

With this 'light in the head' activated, astral projectors can withdraw themselves, from the body, carrying the light with them. Astral Travel, and other occult abilities, are closely associated with the development of the 'light in the head'. After physical relaxation, concentration upon the pineal gland, is achieved, by staring at a point in the middle of the forehead. Without straining the muscles of the eye, this will activate the pineal gland and the 'third eye'.

Whats the best way to keep a good slave in his place, well to make him think he is free right?.. so how does one do that in this day an age of technology and supposed information.

Well to calcify the pineal gland through fluoride. If we no longer have access to our key to the universe and trans-dimensional thought and travel, then we pose no threat to the New World Order.

Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy.




O God, increase my love for Thee so that I may serve Thee better from day to day." "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight,
O Lord, My strength and my Redeemer."



astrology and healing

What has been said with regard to the healer applies with tenfold force to the nurse, for he or she is with the patient practically all the time and the contact is so much more intimate.
For healer, nurse and patient, compatibility is determined by the rising sign, Saturn, and the Sixth House. If their rising signs agree in nature so that all have fiery signs rising, or
all have earthy, airy, or watery signs rising, they are harmonious, but if the patient has a water sign rising, a nurse or a doctor with fiery signs will have a very detrimental effect.
It is also necessary to see that Saturn in the horoscope of the nurse of healer is not placed in any of the degrees of the zodiac within the patient's Sixth House.
With respect to marriage the planetary polarity is shown principally by a consideration of the feminine Moon and Venus in a man's horoscope, for they describe his attractions towards the
opposite sex, and in a woman's horoscope the masculine Sun and Mars have a similar significance. If these planets are harmoniously configurated and the signs on the cusps of the Seventh
Houses of the prospective partners agree, harmony will prevail, especially if the Sun, Venus or Jupiter of one person is placed in the Seventh House of the other. But if the planets mentioned
afflict one another, or the Seventh Houses of the parties are out of harmony, or if Saturn, Mars, Uranus or Neptune of one is in a degree included in the Seventh House of the other, it is the
handwriting on the wall which indicates that the planetary polarities are inharmonious and that sorrow is in store for them if they allow their evanescent emotions to draw them together in a
bond of unhappiness; for it is easy to change the field wires on two electric generators so that their polarities will agree, but it is extremely difficult to reverse the planetary polarity of
one person to make it agree with that received by another at his planetary baptism.

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Take "Sugar X", for example. Also known as xylitol, it looks and tastes a lot like ordinary table sugar, but actually disables bacteria...
xylitol mints or candies


Christian religion and when to the mysteries (Which the Christ spoke of in Matthew 13:11 and Luke 8:10) should be Given to the many INSTEAD of the Few.

Eastern and Western Spiritual Alternatives
Even the Christ "took upon himself the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of man." (Phil. 2:7)

The Holy Spirit is the creative energy in Nature, and the sex energy is its reflection in man. Misuse or abuse of that power is the sin that is not forgiven,
but must be expiated in impaired efficiency of the vehicles, in order thoroughly to teach us the sanctity of the creative force.


However, Christ brought grace, through which a person by repentance, restitution, and reform may absolve his destiny. Even the leper may use this divine formula to receive the healing Christ
Power and be relieved of his burden.
A definite change in consciousness of course is required in this process, and unless such a change takes place, the healing will be at best only temporary.

When we meditate on such inspiring concepts as "wisdom" and "understanding" and ponder the meaning and reality of these words, we contact forces that have their home in higher and purer
spheres than our daily surroundings.

When in the exercise of retrospection the aspirant to the higher life reviews the happenings of the day IN REVERSE ORDER and meets an incident in which he hurt some one or failed to
help another or in any other way did not live up to that which he holds as his ideal of conduct, he is taught to cultivate intense remorse for whatever he has done wrong for the purpose
of eradicating the record from the seed-atom in the heart where it has been imprinted by the act, and where it will remain until it is wiped out by sufferings in purgatory unless previously
expunged by artificial means such as this exercise


peace prayer



pituary development

How the Inner Vehicle is Built

Since Christ came and "took away the sin of the world," (not of the individual) purifying the desire body of our planet, the connection between all human dense and vital bodies
has been loosened to such an extent that, by training, they are capable of separation as above described. Therefore Initiation is open to all.

Concentration is such a state. When in it, the senses are stilled and a person is outwardly in the same condition as in the deepest sleep, yet the spirit remains within and
fully conscious. Most people have experienced this state, at least in some degree, when they have become interested in absorption in a book. At such times they live in the scenes
depicted by the author and are lost to their environment. When spoken to, they are oblivious to the sound, so to all else transpiring around them, yet they are fully awake to all they
are reading, to the invisible world created by the author, living there and feeling the heart-beats of all the different characters in the story. They are not independent, but are
bound in the life which some one has created from them in the book.
The aspirant to the higher life cultivates the faculty of becoming absorbed at will in any subject he chooses, or rather not a subject usually, but a very simple object,
which he imagines. Thus when the proper condition or point of absorption has been reached where his senses are absolutely still, he concentrates his thought upon the different
sense centers of the desire body and they start to revolve.
At first their motion is slow and hard to bring about, but by degrees the sense centers

spiral motion in many directions takes place, and the aspirant stands outside his dense body. He looks at it as at another person. The door of this prison house has been opened. He is free
to come and go, as much at liberty in the inner worlds as in the Physical World, functioning at will, in the inner or outer World, a helper of all desiring his services in any of them

Answer to yesterday’s question: The embodiment of all our past good deeds is also known as the 'second Dweller' or our Guardian Angel.--Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers, Vol. 1, pages 136, 153

What is the sex of the Dweller on the Threshold?
Answer to yesterday’s question: The sex of the Dweller on the Threshold is opposite that of the one encountering it.--Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, page 458

The first creation narrative in the Bible deals with the genesis of form, the second account (Chapter 2) deals with the evolution of consciousness.--Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers, Vol 1, page 158.

This book contains sixteen of the ninety-seven monthly lessons sent out to his students by Max Heindel. They are the fruitage of true esoteric research.
The Web of Destiny is based on personal occult investigations by the author, in which he uncovered
many of the inner laws governing man's hidden springs of action.
It gives information regarding the Dweller on the Threshold, which every aspirant has to meet, usually at an early stage of his progress into the unseen worlds. It treats of the causes of
obsession of men and animals. It describes how we create our environment
and some of the causes of disease, pointing the way to final emancipation.
Some of the subjects covered are:
Spiritual Research - The Soul Body
The Christ Within - The Memory of Nature
The Sin Body and Elementals
The Genesis of Mental and Physical Disabilities
The Cause of Disease
Etheric Sight - Collective Destiny
The Function of Desire
The Necessity for Poise
The Effects of Remorse
Prayer - A Magic Invocation
Practical Methods of Achieving Success
ISBN Number: 0-911274-17-0
(Click here for prices.)
(Click here to place your order.)
(Click here to go back to top.)

list of books

The prime necessity of advancement is equipoise. All who aspire ought to adopt Paul's motto, "None of these things move me."

If we have not this spirit, it can be cultivated by prayer, and one of the most constant of the legitimate prayers for self should be,
"O God, increase my love for Thee so that I may serve Thee better from day to day."
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, My strength and my Redeemer."


In the great majority of mankind there is such a preponderance of selfishness and a desire to get the most out of life as they view that matter, that either they are busy keeping the wolf from the door or accumulating possessions and taking care of them, and hence they have very little time or inclination to undertake the soul culture so necessary to true success in life. The writer has often heard them contend that if they pay the minister to study the Bible during the six days and give them on the seventh an epitome of what he has found, that should be all that is required to get a ticket to heaven. They subscribe to the church and to the things ordinarily called for in life as honorable and upright; for the rest, they have "a good time." Therefore there is so little that persists in each life of the majority and evolution is so frightfully slow that until one is able to vie the act of death from the higher regions of the World of Concrete Thought and, so to say, look downwards, it does not appear that anything is saved of the vital body. This body seems to return complete to the physical body and to hover over the grave, there it disintegrate simultaneously with the latter. As a matter of fact, an increasing part cleaves to the higher vehicles and goes with them into the desire world, there to be a basis of consciousness in, and to live through, the purgatorial and heaven lives, generally persisting until man enters the second heaven and unites with the nature forces there in his efforts to create for himself a new environment. By that time, it has been absorbed by the spirit or almost so, and whatever may remain of a material nature will quickly fade away. Thus the personality of the past life has vanished and the spirit will not meet with it in the future lives upon this earth.
But there are some people who are of such an evil nature that they ENJOY a life spent in vice and degenerate practices, a brutal life, and who delight in giving pain. Sometimes they even cultivate the occult arts for evil purposes so that they may have a greater power over their victims. Then their fiendish, immoral practices result in hardening their vital body.
In such extreme cases where the animal nature has been paramount, where there has been no soul expression in the preceding earth life, the division in the vital body spoken of before cannot take place at death, for there is no dividing line. In such a case, if the vital body should gravitate back to the dense body and there gradually disintegrate, the effect of a very evil life would not be so far-reaching, but unfortunately there is in such cases an interlocking grip of the vital and desire bodies which prevents separation. We have seen that where a man lives mostly in the higher nature, his spiritual vehicles are nourished to the detriment of the lower. Conversely, where his consciousness is centered in the lower vehicles, he strengthens them immeasurably. It should be understood that the life of the desire body is not terminated by the departure of the spirit; it has a residual life and consciousness. The vital body is also able to sense things in a slight measure for a few days after death in ordinary cases (hence the suffering caused by embalming, postmortem examinations, etc., immediately after death), but where a low life has hardened and endued it with great strength, it has a tenacious hold on life and an ability to feed on odors of foods and liquors. Sometimes, as a parasite, it even vampirizes people with whom it comes in contact.
Thus an evil man may life for many, many years unseen in our very midst, yet so close that he is nearer than hands and feet. He is far more dangerous than the physical criminal for he is able to prompt others of a similar bent to criminal or degenerate practices without fear of detection or punishment by law.

When the spirit returns to earth, this Sin Body is naturally attracted towards it, and usually stays with it all its life as a demon. Investigations have proved that this class of soulless creatures were very prevalent during Biblical times, and it was to them that our Savior referred as devils, they being the cause of various obsessions and bodily ills such as are recorded in the Bible. The Greek word "daimon" describes them accurately. Even today a large proportion of southern Europe and the Orient is thus harassed, the affliction being specially aggravated in Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia. Whole tribes in Africa, where the Voodoo magic prevails, have with them these gruesome specters; the Indians of America and Negroes in the South are also subject to them.

2 aug
The education of man proceeds by four great steps. First, he is worked upon from without unconsciously. Then he is placed under the Rulership of Divine Messengers and Kings whom he sees, and whose commands he must obey. Next he is taught to revere the commands of a God whom he does not see. Finally, he learns to rise above the commands; to become a law unto himself; and, by conquering himself of his own free will, to live in harmony with the Order of Nature, which is the Law of God.
Fourfold also are the steps by which man climbs upward to God.
First, through fear, he worships the God whom he begins to sense, sacrificing to propitiate Him, as do the fetish-worshipers.
Next, he learns to look to God as the giver of all things, and hopes to receive from Him material benefits here and now. He sacrifices through avarice, expecting that the Lord will repay a hundredfold, or to escape swift punishment by plague, war, etc.
Next, he is taught to worship God by prayer and the living of a good life; and that he must cultivate faith in a Heaven where he will be rewarded in the future; and to abstain from evil that he may escape a future punishment in Hell.
At last he comes to a point where he can do right without any thought of reward, bribe, or punishment, but simply because "it is right to do right." He loves right for its own sake and seeks to govern his conduct thereby, regardless of present benefit or injury, or of painful results at some future time.
The Original Semites had reached the second of these steps. They were taught to worship an invisible God and to expect to be rewarded by material benefits, or punished by painful afflictions.
Popular Christianity is at the third step. Esoteric Christians, and the pupils of all occult schools are trying to reach the highest step, which will be generally achieved in the Sixth Epoch,
the new Galilee, when the unifying Christian religion will open the hearts of men, as their understanding is being opened now.
The Akkadians were the sixth and the Mongolians the seventh of the Atlantean Races. They evolved the faculty of thought still further, but followed lines of reasoning which deviated more and more
from the main trend of the developing life. The Chinese Mongolians maintain to this day that the old ways are the best. Progress constantly requires new methods and adaptability, keeping ideas
in a fluid state, therefore those races fell behind and are degenerating, with the remainder of the Atlantean Races.
As the heavy fogs of Atlantis condensed more and more, the increased quantity of water gradually inundated that continent, destroying the greater part of the population and the evidences of
their civilization.
Great numbers were driven from the doomed continent by the floods, and wandered across Europe. The Mongolian races are the descendants of those Atlantean refugees.
The Negroes and the savage races with curly hair, are the last remnants of the Lemurians.

new argue
"It is the Luciferian taint of passion which has brought sorrow, sin, and suffering into the world. When the creative power is used for sense gratification,

unclean thoughts
Meditation upon high and inspiring subjects has power literally to transform forces impregnating the sexual fluids, for these fluids are really carriers of etheric force, the true creative agent.
Every cell of the body is, or can be made, subject to absolute control of the Ego by means of the mind. It is possible to raise the body above the forces of physical passion and to center one's whole being in the currents of spirit. Patient persistence always succeeds, and the rewards are exceedingly gratifying: permanently better physical health, increased mental power, purer desires, unfoldment of the innate spiritual faculties latent in every human being.

The sex-pervert, or sex-maniac, is a proof of the correctness of the contention of occultists that one part of the sex-force builds the brain. He becomes an idiot because of drawing and sending out, not only the negative or positive part of the sex force (according to whether male or female) which is normally to be used through the sex-organ for propagation, but in addition to that, some of the force which should build up the brain, enabling it to produce thought--hence the mental deficiency.
On the other hand, if the person is given to spiritual thought, the tendency to use the sex force for propagation is slight, and whatever part of it is not used in that way may be transmuted into spiritual force.
The Holy Spirit is the creative energy in Nature, and the sex energy is its reflection in man. Misuse or abuse of that power is the sin that is not forgiven, but must be expiated in impaired efficiency of the vehicle, in order thoroughly to teach us the sanctity of the creative force.


The awakening of these organs is accomplished by esoteric training, as follows: In the majority of people, the greater part of the sex force which may legitimately be used through the
creative organs is expended for sense- gratification. When the aspirant to the higher life begins to curb these excesses and to devote his or her attention to spiritual thoughts and efforts,
the unused sex force commences to ascend. It surges upward in stronger and stronger volume, traversing the heart and larynx, or the spinal cord and the larynx, or both, and then passing
directly between the pituitary body and the pineal gland toward the point at the root of the nose where the Spirit has its seat.
This current, however, no matter how great, must be cultivated to some extent before the real esoteric training can begin. It is not only a necessary accompaniment, but also a prerequisite, to self-conscious work in the inner worlds. Thus, a moral life devoted to spiritual thought must be lived by the aspirant for a certain length of time before it is possible to commence the work that will give him first hand knowledge of the super-physical realms and enable him or her to become, in the truest sense, a helper of humanity.
When the candidate has lived such a life for a time sufficient to establish the current of spiritual force, and is found worthy and qualified to receive esoteric instruction, he is taught certain exercises to set the pituitary body in vibration. This vibration causes the pituitary body to impinge upon and slightly deflect the nearest line of force which, in turn, impinges upon the next line to it, and so the process continues until the force of the vibration has been spent.
When these lines of force have been deflected sufficiently to reach the pineal gland, the object has been accomplished: the gap between the two organs has been bridged. This is the bridge between the World of Sense and the World of Desire. From the time it is built, man becomes clairvoyant and able to direct his or her gaze where he or she will. Solid objects are seen both inside and out. Space and solidity, as hindrances to observation, have ceased to exist.
He is not yet a trained clairvoyant, but he is a clairvoyant at will, a voluntary clairvoyant. His is a very different faculty from that possessed by the medium.
The person in whom this bridge is once built is always in sure touch with the inner worlds, the connection being made and broken at his will. By degrees, the observer learns to control the vibration of the pituitary body in a manner enabling him or her to get in touch with any of the regions of the inner worlds which he or she desires to visit. The faculty is completely under the control of his or her will. It is not necessary for him or her to go into a trance or do anything abnormal to raise his consciousness to the Desire World. He or she simply wills to see, and he or she sees.

Grief, lamentations, thoughts of despair, and longings to bring back the departed one all tend to make the Spirit earthbound and prevent it from participating in the activities belonging to
its new home life. On the other hand, thoughts of love, courage, hopefulness, cheer, and good-will are all most beneficial, their value being practically inestimable. If instead of indulging
in harmful practices which actually prevent the progress of the departed Spirit, one would at night, just before falling asleep, pray earnestly to be permitted to go to his or her loved ones
as soon as released by sleep, the desire would transport such a one almost at once to their abode and he might spend hours with them which would be profitable to both, and in time he
would be able to bring back into waking consciousness many of the experiences encountered on the invisible planes. At such times he could also acquaint the departed friends with the
method mentioned whereby they could shorten greatly their sojourn in the purgatorial region.


A brief description of this chanting exercise follows. The sound to use is May, as in the month. Before you begin, take a deep breath in and hold it for about five seconds. Then exhale slowly and evenly through your mouth or nose. This is your choice. Repeat this breathing technique two more times. It is important that the deep breathing is done a total of three times. This allows some of the chi or universal energy to be absorbed into the lungs and ultimately the whole body via the circulatory system. This ensures that the brain waves slow down, your auric field around you expands and brightens, and you feel more relaxed. This is necessary in order to receive the full benefits of performing the May chant.

This chant is done in a mid C musical note. For those of you who are not musically oriented, follow this general rule. When you chant, make sure that your voice is in a mid-range, not too high and not too low. You can also experiment with the range and find the exact level that works best for you.

Now, take in another deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. Then, as you exhale, intone the sound M-A-A-A-Y-Y-Y until all your breath has been expelled. Let the pitch of your voice rise and fall a little as you do this. Take in a second deep breath, hold it once more for a bit and then repeat the chant. Intone the chant a third and final time. Once completed, just relax for a few moments.

Some of you may start to notice certain physiological things happening during or just upon completion of this “Crown Chakra Exercise.” For others, the results may be slow at first and less significant. In these cases, the results will be subtle but effective even though you may not be fully aware of it. In Ancient Teachings for Beginners, I explain the effects of performing this chant along with other chants and exercises in great detail.

Another of the physiological effects of this exercise is a feeling of ‘tingles’ on the top of the head where the crown chakra is located. This is a sign that the crown energy center is opening up. It is starting to receive higher vibrations of universal energy from the heavenly fields above, as mentioned earlier. Also, it is an indication that neurons are firing in the cerebrum of the brain, creating new pathways to other areas within. The cerebrum is the major mass of the human brain. Some of your psychic abilities are stored within this part of your brain.

As these pathways open up, universal energy and electrical stimulation are sent to dormant cells of the cerebrum that contain some of your psychic gifts and abilities. These cells will then be activated, allowing you to begin using some of these untapped abilities.

The pituitary gland has many physical purposes. It also has a psychic and spiritual purpose. When it is stimulated, it begins to work as a receiver of psychic information and spiritual impressions. The potential of working with your angels and spirit guides becomes available. For those of you who already communicate with these wise beings, your abilities will become enhanced.

As stated, the stimulation of the cerebrum, pineal and pituitary releases endorphins into the bloodstream. Seratonin is one of the hormonal secretions released through this chant. This helps to give you a natural high. Obviously, people who suffer from depression


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